At TITAN Power, we understand that a power supply solution is more than just the main unit. It’s an ecosystem of components that work together to deliver reliable and efficient power. That’s why we offer a wide range of accessories designed to complement and enhance our power supply boxes and terminal units (LRUs).

Mechanical Adapters
Mechanical Adapters
Our mechanical adapters are engineered to ensure a perfect fit for your LRUs, enabling seamless integration into your existing systems. Each adapter is crafted with precision to provide robust physical support and maintain the optimal alignment of your power supply components.
Custom Cables
Custom Cables
TITAN’s custom cables are tailored to meet the unique needs of your setup. We provide a variety of cables that can withstand the rigors of any environment while delivering consistent power and signal integrity.
Test Equipment
Test Equipment
To ensure your power supplies are always operating at peak performance, we supply state-of-the-art test equipment. Our testing solutions allow for comprehensive diagnostics and maintenance, ensuring your LRUs function flawlessly throughout their lifespan.
Electronic Cards
Electronic Cards
Maintenance and up-time are crucial for any power supply application. TITAN Power provides electronic cards that are essential for the ongoing maintenance of your power supplies. These cards are designed for easy integration and are an invaluable tool for routine checks and quick repairs.
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